HR as strategic approach: In the present scenario HR has been treated as strategic approach in the organizations. Human resources management is major concern of the management within the organizations. Organizations have changed their approach towards human resources management. Employee development is considered as the duty of the employer. In the past couple of years human resources is not only seen as strategic approach but also as main asset for the organization. The importance of human resources have altered from role relations to training and then onwards to job design etc. The role of human resources has been recognized and thought as good investment for the growth of the organization. Human resources strategy has to be associated with business strategy of the organizations as companies are shifting towards business oriented approach. Within the organizations HR strategy identifies the individuals and enhances of the personnel and promotes to the higher positions which helps for the advancement of the organization and organization transformation. Best performers should be given special consideration in the business organizations to secure the corporate future of the organizations (Krishnan and Singh, 2010).
Self-organizing means the capability for any individual to indicate something. That is, they would like to do to develop a community well. Many people are included in number of group actions. Then they can discuss the successes and failures of those works with others. Human brains, immune systems, termite castles, ecosystems are all are examples of the self-organization This self-organization has motivated each systems (network weaving, 2009).
Learning new technologies and getting new data is a feature on improving our Self Development. Why because, every person is created differently, learning and being inspired to gain knowledge of anything comes naturally. These skills can be educated and improved to get superior knowledge.
Some steps for Self Development that can help improve learning skill. Those are:
-Find a goal,
-Find the time to read,
-Find the time to listen,
-Find time to study.
Find a goal:
A person requirement a goal in life and this goal must be natural. Self Development Learning Skills should have a formation and a result. For the goal achievement, first every person can base the aim on what inspires him, what he loves about. Then he gets success one at a time. Thus, the small achievement will result to great perform in getting goals.
Find time to read:
Reading can improve one?s learning abilities. The reading can increase knowledge and evolution and it can help to generate new ideas. By reading newspapers, magazines and books, one can improve their surrounding knowledge
Find time to listen:
Increasing efficient listening skills are essential to rising of speaking skills. Without effective listening abilities the communication abilities totally decreased.
?Find time to Study:
To become a master, the careful study habits are necessary. The study habits improve the every one?s skills to higher levels. So, the study habits are necessary for self development (Silva, 2010).
Knowledge management
Knowledge management is defined as an effort to develop the firm?s performance and to face the challenges which are maximizing difficulty and vagueness in the present world. Most of the information on knowledge maintenance and executive learning is improved and worked at economic business and industries. Gaining of knowledge and information are main problems in business for those who try to learn and to grasp these assets in a new way.? Organizations have to understand that they have to share the information more capably in the internal and able to absorb the external conditions in the competitive environment.
The first generation of knowledge management is intended to develop the sharing and learning of information within the organization and it is mainly focuses on IT and systems. To gather the information and to organize the existing knowledge, several technological tools were used.
The second generation has been developed to create new knowledge in order to maintain organization in a competitive way. Many organizations are changing its strategies from prediction to anticipation of revelation. This means the management is trying to change its strategies from compliance to self-control and self-organization that means from technology to process application. Different techniques of managing and processing the knowledge are based on types of work situation (Hovland, 2003).
Human Resource policies in UK:
A HR policy is not only helpful for developing a good working environment in organizations and also provides security to the employees of organization who are from different unwanted scenarios. HR policies are designed for the needs of employees and company. If the compliance of HR policy is increased then there will be a change in the main objectives of the organizations. UK is maintaining its own human resource polices that is based on the economic scenario, work culture etc. HR policies developed in UK are able to provide the needs of employer and employee with an appropriate way. In order to develop a good HR policy, some of the policies are very helpful like leave policy, vacation policy, working time policy, Adoption leave policy, employee relation policy, health safety policy and sick leave policy.
The features involved in the HR policies like management; training, recruitment and compensation are the part of UK specificity. There are some of the companies which have best policies all over the world. All these policies used in the organizations to improve motivation, quality and commitment in the employees to deliver the best quality of work. According to the increment in the number of companies the policies related to human resources are also increasing. Human resource policies are very helpful for economical and social balance of the organization. Some countries like France is providing career agreements to the employees of the organization and is increasing the number of leading companies (Malila, 2010).
The global capacities development, effectiveness includes practice of three main HRM policy driving technologies for international organizations. These are 1) spotlight on group service structures; 2) permit of the various HR processes; and 3) practice international locations of excellence. These policy drivers are visible in various reconfiguration performances. That is manipulating the international HRM. Now-a-days, international HRM changed to the requirement of having a various global HRM function having the group of dedicated managers. And also, international HRM is changed to globalizing all fundamental HR processes of the company. This growth guarantees that HRM policy implements to the spread and global workforce.? The present way of best exercises in global HRM policy purpose rotates around drawing and choosing, emigrants, global managers, and best managers in the main company. With these progresses, global staffing and resources transferred to spotlights on the changing structure and functions of global HRM. So, those HR workers have to be elastic in managing the broad variety of alternatives occurring from international sourcing (ivythesis, 2010)
The practices of staffing adopted by an organisation or a firm must be consistent with its business strategies and human resource management such as development, pay and benefits. Job analysis information is very vital while staffing or recruitment as it clarifies the particular requirement of the job, the job structure, the description of the person working and hired for the job. It is necessary to determine which applicants own specific skills, quality behaviour needed to fulfil their job desires. The role of individual is proportionate to goals of the organisation. Hence technical qualifications of the candidate also play a very important role while staffing for an organisation. Hence those who possess such qualifications are best suited for performing their defined duties (Stewart and Carson, 1997).
Culture management and philosophy:
Culture management in the organizations is considered as one of the key factors for the organizational growth. Culture management helps the company to develop the culture of the company and also influences the success of the organization. Cultural management is very vital in the organization to develop strategies and also to gain competitive advantage. Management of culture will have significant impact on the success of the organization as well as on its profitability. The main function of culture management within the organization is recognizing the culture and also to know the culture that has to be developed within the organization based on the company?s objectives?? (Management Systems,2004).
Reward management:
In the human resource management pay is the imperative facet in the organization. In the human resources management ?pay? is the sensual matter in both practical and theoretical perspectives. Payment to an individual for his/her contribution to the company is called as compensation or reward. Remuneration also plays significant part in human resource management as it would be used to recruit the talented people in the organization. Usually in companies payment related matters are dealt by pay administration with the concern of human resource management. Most of the companies use rewards as a tool to motivate the personnel but at present it has become de-motivate factor because of the several reasons. (Price, 2007).
Performance management: Performance management is the system which is used to assess the performance of employee in an organization. The performance of an employee from the other employee within the organizations is very different. In performance management there are various aspects that evaluate the performance of an employee such as feedbacks, rewarding etc. Performance management provides an opportunity for the personnel to review their performance and skills. Role of rewards is very crucial in performance management because, if the employee has performed well in his/her field then they will rewarded with bonuses or with pay hikes. Employees with the high potential have to be placed in most responsible and respective position in the organization. Performance management has to genuine if else it would develop negative attitudes in the personnel as well as towards the organization (Christensen and Ellis, 2010).
Diversity management: Diversity management is used to achieve diversity within the organization?s workforce. Diversity management reduces complexities in cross cultural environment and also enhances the HRM operations efficacy. In business organization diverse management is used to develop new marketing strategies for its products in the diverse customer base. Diversity management within the organizations will help to manage the diverse work force in the company and also to reduce the cost that comes with ineffective diversity management. Diversity management in the company has to incorporate knowledge and skills of diverse workforce within the organization to achieve the diversity dividend (diversityworking, 2006)
In order to get competitive advantage from organizations employees are the main sources. To get the best use of their employees organizations have to develop the human resource management (HRM) practices. So the performance of an organization influences by the organizational HRM. In Russia, the business performance of foreign countries depends on the factors such as general legislation and the regular change in the legislation (Bjbrkman, 2001).
Talent Management:
Nowadays competencies between the organisations are all over the world, in spite of sector, industry, specialization, background or level. Due to the lack of proper talent candidates selection of the right person is becoming very difficult.? As
Hamish Davidson says:
?Talent exists everywhere-and good talent is generally in such short supply that one should be totally open-minded at all times as to from where it should be sourced.
Nowadays getting the best talented candidate is becoming very difficult. High skilled, leadership quality, Positive attitudes and behaviours, the competence to make use of effective influence through others, most important for successful work should have potential to acclimatize quickly to change, and that change fixed in the organization.
Effective talent management in unstable market conditions, it?s critical for every organization. Even then company need?s Efficient & best candidate who can play his best in Competitive Market. Present market situation has given the employee to justification that they required optimizing for their work force in a crystal clear. Strategic goals and work performance identification retain best talent appropriate outplacement.
Even though selecting the talented candidate is not enough for organisation achievement, Should maintain Standards & Moral Values. Should guide the person properly, by explaining n motivating the employees, can reach their goal n can fulfil their achievements
Maintain relationships with your employees:
Organizations require having a good relationship with their employees in order to the run the business in a successful way. Even the success depends on the factor of how the organization had maintained those relations.
It is important that everyone in the organization is to be involved to achieve the organizational goals. The Head of the department and the HR manager have to maintain the relation with the employees to make sure that the each employee is important to business success. So that, the employees can understands their responsibilities and tries to improve their efficiency in work.??? In order to build good relation with the employees the following steps can help the manager:
- 1.????? Urge the trust and maintain their trust as a precious one:? Many organizations have developed their business through maintaining the trust with their employees. So, construct reliability as a major one in the organization. Urge trust to the employees and maintain the head should by the precious of their trust. Once the employee trusts their superior or colleague, they will share their ideas and worries. This principle can maximize the team work and influences to achieve the goals.
- 2.????? Respect the employees: Maintain respect with every person without considering their status in the organization. Listen to them first and then reply the same in an action that you had accepted their talk. If you don?t agree the talk, don?t announce that in a group. Sincere and open communication can encourage the respect and an obvious mutual respect can create the trust.
- 3.????? Frequently express your faults:? Employees can give more respect when you express your strengths and weaknesses. Employees will look for a leader not for a hero. So that it is important to appreciate an employee by disclosing your faults in that particular job.
- 4.????? Maintain the assurance: Maintaining the assurance is the most important part. For instance, if a manager had assured an employee that if he/she can perform over time then he can have a day off. If any case that the assurance had break down, then the employee will get disappointed and not able to continue the work in an efficient way. Breaking down assurance is way to destroy the trust. So that it is better to maintain the assurance.
- 5.?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Prop up your team: Once the Employees can understand management?s reliability, their trust and confidence levels will grown up. Employees also can expect to have faith and trust in their employer and in the organization and they will try to work more when they perform their job. As a manager it is your responsibility to support your employees.
- 6.????? Direct them from your way: ?Whenever employees can realize that manager think about their comfort, then it forms a bond. Try your best to show your support and be as a good teacher and a communicator. By directing and supporting them throughout the working day and rather will help to you and even to get profits
- 7.????? Generate the development opportunities: Believe that the manager is required to provide attractive working environment and opportunities to their employees. Supporting them to continue their education or in order to develop in profession and paying for it can help the employee to work hard and effectively.
- 8.????? Support to their interests: ?Support the interests of your employees like their goals, personal relations hobbies and passions. If the employees believe that you?re actually showing interest on them, they will try to show more commitment towards their work and strives to achieve the organizational objectives.
- 9.????? Thanking the employee in a specific way: In order to motivate the employee, the biggest technique in motivating them is saying an undemanding gratitude. Expressing your thanks would be in an exact way by articulating on the work they have performed with the specific customer or in the project performance. Note that appreciation should not be in a great extent.
- 10.? Maintain open communication: Try to maintain the open communication between you and the employees. Most of the managers can make an effort to plead for their staff?s thoughts and concerns. Ask them to take a lunch with you or take them out to drink after the work period; now just pay attention to their words. This simple gesture can help you a lot in your business (allbusiness, 2010).
Employee selection in an organization:
Employee selection is a process of recruiting the personnel from large number of applicants???? and to maintain them to work out for their responsibilities in the organization. Most of the organizations think that they don?t have time and resources to reduce recruitment issues. But, the truth is smart recruiting process can improve the firm in different aspects like earnings and to develop new jobs.
Firm?s utmost asset is an employee. So that it is important to maintain certain time period and to make an effort in recruiting them. If not, the firm can face a lot of problems like loss of time and money and lost the effectiveness of work through different factors like employing inappropriate personnel, motivation and morale would be reduced, improper training, employee deficiency and turnover will be maximized, futility in management and supervision, many dismissals can be possible. The above problems can be crushed down with the objectives such as maintaining relationships through personal communication in between the employer and the employee, by knowing the employee?s issues through face-face communication and trying to solve the issues as soon as possible can help the firm to increase the work effectiveness.
Good recruitment process can improve the firms in different ways like predicting the recruiting issues, so that the improvement in business is possible. Employees can able to understand what their responsibilities in the organization, what the expectations of an employer about them and what they can expect from the employer (acas, 2010).
Employee selection through an interview:
Employee selection through an interview is a decisive role to an organization. Employee?s performance in their work can measure the organizations success. The capability of an employee to execute a particular work and the willingness to perform can be said as Job Performance.? By using effective selection process, an organization can get an improvement in recruiting the employees by estimating their skills, knowledge and abilities.
Employee selection is a major part in finding the skilled person to perform a particular job. It supports the other procedures like job design, goal setting and rewarding.If an organization needs to recruit new employees in order to develop the business or to change the employee?s position, they have to recognize the vacancies and the required skills to recruit them.? Companies can recruit the employees through different methods like internal and external recruitment processes. External can be in the form of advertising through news papers and by conducting job fairs, internal recruitment can be through the referrals etc. Later, HR people can conduct the interviews to the applicants and chooses the best persons among them. Then, they begin the selection process after interviewing. HR manager can interview the members in numerous times in order to filter the appropriate personnel. Through all the steps, companies can identify the skilled persons and fills the job openings.
After analyzing the job requirements several interview methods are involved to recruit a right person. They consist of Screening, Stress, Structured and Unstructured interviews, Personal, Behavioral, Situational, Face-Face, phone, group and panel interviews etc (Jones, 2010).
The selection process for an organization is very helpful for its growth. It is very helpful for selecting the correct person who can be able to do all the activities of organization given to him. The quality maintaining by the organization is increased only by the selection of skilled person. The selection process elects only the eligible candidates for the organization and the non eligible candidates are rejected. As a result the organization contains only skilled employees and due to their performance the reputation and turnover will be increased. Thus selection process is useful for the improvement of work performance in the organization. The persons who are selected by this process will be efficient as they are selected through personal interview, written tests and medical examination. In the selection process the candidates have to pass the medical test and it is useful for decreasing the obscenities of the organization as the employees are healthy. It leads to reduce the breakage of regular work in the organization. So employee selection process is the most important procedure for selecting the skilled employees.
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